
ZYQ2-ST double chamber vacuum oil quenching carburizing furnace


ZY(Q)2-ST type double-chamber vacuum carburizing furnace is a double-chamber oil quenching (gas quenching) vacuum furnace with low pressure carburizing function. It is mainly suitable for tool steel, die steel, bearing steel, spring steel and other materials. Vacuum quenching and vacuum carburizing and quenching heat treatment of low carbon alloy steel parts such as 20CrMnTi and 20# steel.

Control method: industrial computer system, the quenching and carburizing process is fully automatic (manual) completed.

Process medium: acetylene is used for carburization, and high-purity nitrogen is used for diffusion.

Optional: double-chamber gas quenching, double-chamber oil quenching or three-chamber oil-gas quenching quenching method; acetylene vacuum carburizing can also increase the functions of nitriding and carbonitriding.

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ZY(Q)2-ST type double-chamber vacuum carburizing furnace is a double-chamber oil quenching (gas quenching) vacuum furnace with low pressure carburizing function. It is mainly suitable for tool steel, die steel, bearing steel, spring steel and other materials. Vacuum quenching and vacuum carburizing and quenching heat treatment of low carbon alloy steel parts such as 20CrMnTi and 20# steel.

Control method: industrial computer system, the quenching and carburizing process is fully automatic (manual) completed.

Process medium: acetylene is used for carburization, and high-purity nitrogen is used for diffusion.

Optional: double-chamber gas quenching, double-chamber oil quenching or three-chamber oil-gas quenching quenching method; acetylene vacuum carburizing can also increase the functions of nitriding and carbonitriding.

(1) Acetylene vacuum carburizing and quenching treatment of diesel fuel injection nozzles.

The material of the fuel injector is low-alloy chrome-nickel steel, which requires uniform carburizing. The carburizing equipment is a double-chamber vacuum air quenching carburizing furnace. The carburizing temperature is 910C. After carburizing, it is quenched at 860C in a quenching chamber with a pressure of 6-10bar nitrogen gas, and tempered at 170C. Processing results: the surface hardness is HV1760, the core hardness is HV1450, and the hardness distribution of the carburized layer is gentle; the depth of the carburized layer is 0.6mm, and the depth difference between the inner and outer depths on the nozzle section is 0.1mm. The workpiece is clean and white after gas quenching, and does not need to be cleaned again. At the same time, this treatment overcomes the common internal oxidation disadvantages of gas carburizing.

(2) Quenching treatment of powder metallurgy gear with acetylene vacuum carburizing oil.

The gear material composition is GrMo steel with 0.35%C and 0.5%Mn. Technical requirements: Surface hardness > HV1700. The carbon content of the tooth circumference is 1.0%; the depth of the hardened layer is 0.35mm.

Processing parameters: carburizing temperature 900C, carburizing time ≈= 70min, oil quenching, tempering at 160C.

Processing results: surface hardness HV1780, hardening depth 0.4mm, core hardness HV1300.


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